“Lines in Gold” from the SSM Calligraphy Collection exhibited in Madrid.
09 December 2007

The exhibition is being realised as the opening event of a festival called Miradas Turcas / Turkish Views, which is organized in cooperation with the Turkish Embassy in Madrid and the Spanish Ministry of Culture. The festival - taking place between December 15th January 16th 2007 - included a conference with participation of Orhan Pamuk and Juan Goytisolo, concerts by Kudsi Erguner and Burhan Öçal, seminars and film screenings.
The collection, having never been exhibited to this extent outside of Turkey since the founding of the museum in 2002, comprises examples of calligraphy – an art form that played a major role in the Ottoman Empire – from a time span covering 500 years. Exhibited will be the works of Şeyh Hamdullah, who is considered the founder of the art of Ottoman calligraphy, accompanied by works of many others, like Crown Prince Korkut, Ahmed Karahisari, Derviş Ali, Hafız Osman, Yedikuleli Seyyid Abdullah, Mustafa Rakım, Kazasker Mustafa İzzet, Sami Efendi and also tools used by calligraphers.